Gullu, let's reinvent the social network ...

Welcome to Gullu, the innovative social network dedicated to travelers. Are you tired of losing touch with friends you've met while traveling? Do you find it difficult to plan meetups with people who live in different parts of the world? Gullu has got you covered!


Friendship being central !

Interactive map

Our mission is simple: help you to stay connected with your friends and meet up with them in real life. With Gullu, you can easily locate your friends on an interactive map and receive notifications when they are in your area. No more missed opportunities to catch up with old friends!

Add Friends with a selfie

To join the Gullu community, all you need to do is take a selfie and add your friends to the app. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to connect with other travelers and plan meetups.

Why a selfie?

Nothing is better than a photo, a moment to remember someone

And many more amazing features!


Chat with you friend, and plan a meet up !

Simple Profile

Share with your friends the essentials, if you need to know more, go in the chat !

Near by friends

Receive a notification if a friend arrive in your city, region, or country !

No News Feed

We've removed the news feed and other distractions, focusing on real relationships.

Host friends

Don't miss the opportunity to welcome a friend at home

No tracking !

Share the city where you are, when you want, only with your close friends !

How do I Add a friend?
If you want to add a friend on Gullu you will have to take a selfie together. Take your best photo and don't forget to tag your friend. Once your friend request is accepted you can go onto his profile, chat and obviously see where he is !
Can I add someone who does not have Gullu?
When you take a selfie with someone and realize he doesn't has Gullu yet, don't panic! You can send him a link to download the app. Once his profile is created you'll be able to finish your friend request.
Is it possible to add photos on Gullu?
The only way to put photos on Gullu is to add people on the app, as we want to stay as a simplistic social network.
Is my profile public ?
All accounts are private, only the friends you added are able to see your profile.

Discover our values

We applied for the Moovjee entrepreneur competition as an innovative project leader.Take a look at the presentation video, for understanding Gullu's values and ambition !

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